Tuesday, March 29, 2011


WHO’S SLEEPING ?…. City Mayor Angel Alan Celino was dismayed  over the continuing efforts by some quarters in blaming him and the city government as one of the “contributors” of why Capiz landed near the tail end of the over-all results of the 2011 WVRAA meet in Iloilo City.

During a media briefing, Mayor Celino aired his “disappointment” over the purported statement of his former school teacher, Capiz Schools Division Superintendent  Dr. Eveleth Gamboa, that the “poor performance ” of  the Capiz delegation in the regional meet  was attributed to the refusal of his administration in providing the money requested by the department as part of the city government’s financial contribution to the delegation’s fund.

Mayor Alan criticized the DepEd for pointing the finger of blame on his administration  over the Capiz delegation’s regrettable and lackluster performance in the 2011 WVRAA meet.

Celino on the other hand confirmed that the city gov’t turned down the request of  City Schools Division Supt Dr. Jessie Gomez for an additional  P 200 thousand, since they weren’t able to justify where and how the money will be spent as part of the WVRAA fund.

The Mayor also emphasized in the media briefing that, "the issue shouldn’t be the money since the city gov’t can even contribute millions of pesos to the WVRAA delegation, but the presence of a good sports program of the province, that can clearly justify for the release of the additional fund."

Dr. Gamboa has been quoted on her radio interview that the debacle of Capiz in the WVRAA is a “wake up call” for everyone but  Mayor Celino took a dig at Gamboa by asking ,“who’s sleeping?”

After the planned sports summit to be called by the city government, Celino revealed that he is opting to “adopt a sport and adopt a player” in Roxas City to be funded not by the Local School Board (LSB) fund but from the General Fund (GF). 
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THE BUCK STOPS AT DEP ED….Capiz Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Eveleth  Gamboa is taking the “full responsibility” over the Capiz Athletic delegation’s debacle on the 2011 WVRAA meet.

In an interview with BK News, Dr. Gamboa says, she is accepting the responsibility for the lamentable performance of the Capiz team in the WVRAA and clarifies she is not passing any responsibility to someone else, be it to the city or the provincial governments, but the Dep Ed - Capiz Division since they are on the frontline.

Dr. Gamboa also clarified that she did not blamed City Mayor Alan Celino for the “poor” outcome of Team Capiz  following the city government’s failure to contribute some amount  as  financial help for the delegation’s WVRAA participation .

The answer to the question during a radio interview with regards to the LGU’s who already gave financial contribution to the Dep Ed, excluding the city gov’t , was “taken out of context”, Gamboa added.

The Capiz Division wants to make it clear according to Dr. Gamboa that they are also not pointing the finger of blame to the provincial gov’t since Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr and the SP Capiz are very supportive with the education department’s management  on the WVRAA participation.

Dr. Gamboa immediately called a post-evaluation for the 2011 WVRAA participation, attended by coaches, trainers, tournament directors, team managers and officials from the City and Capiz Divisions  to determine “what went wrong” during the regional meet that resulted to a 4th place finish of Capiz in the secondary level and 5th place in the  elementary level.

The results of the  assessment according to Dr. Gamboa  will be submitted to Gov. Tanco and to the Capiz School Sports Council for their review and evaluation.

* * *

OVERHAUL DEP ED’S SPORTS PROGRAM…The Department of Education-Capiz Division promised to “dig deeper “ and “overhaul” the local sports program of the agency after the lackluster performance of the Capiz athletic delegation in the recently concluded WVRAA meet.

Capiz Schools Division Supt. Dr. Eveleth Gamboa said that they will conduct a “planning session” with her school sports coordinators to determine what are the best solutions to solve the deteriorating performance of Capiz in the regional meet.

Gamboa also admitted that the DepEd’s school sports program is “ almost neglected “, while giving  more attention to the school academics.

Included in the possible reforms to be initiated by the Capiz division on its sports program will be the holding of the provincial meet on a fixed date and the possible reduction of the lower meets such as the district and cluster meets.

The  Capiz division will also implement a rigorous selection process for the players, longer training period, hiring competent trainers and coaches , more tournament exposures, additional funding request from the LGU’s and the partnership with the private sector.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


BLAME GAME OVER WVRAA DEBACLE…The Department of Education  - Capiz Division and the provincial government of  Capiz are now pointing with each other  on who’s to be blamed with regards to the lamentable result of our  athletic delegation in the 2011 WVRAA Meet.

It seems, everybody now  refuse to accept any responsibility for the undesirable result of our athletic delegation and as of this moment , no one took the blame for it.

Coaches, trainers, the Department of Education and  our provincial officials are now making excuses and pointing the finger of blame with one another pertaining to our 5th place finish in the Elementary Level and 4th place finish in the Secondary Level of the regional meet.

But who’s really to be blamed here . Is it the Department of Education who’s in charge of all the processes in selecting our players, train and prepare them for the regional meet or the provincial government headed by  Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr. , that allot funds for the preparation , training and maybe cash rewards for our athletes.

Are we going to pin the blame on the Capitol  for the “inadequate funding” for the training and preparation  of the delegation plus the supposed “absence” of a comprehensive sports program or we should attribute the responsibility to the Capiz division for their “failure” to select the best  players or athletes, knowledgeable coaches and trainers and for adopting  a 10-day training period, a.k.a. “housing.”

Once again, as it was in the previous years, the cycle of finger pointing and blaming each other after the WVRAA  keeps going and going to the detriment of our delegation.

The forgettable results of  Capiz in this year’s WVRAA should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. This is now the time to have a deeper and serious understanding of the problems and hindrances so as to arrive on a much better and acceptable results next year.

We have to fix it immediately and properly. Everyone should contribute, help and act. Let’s do it, right now !

* * *  
DOUBLE WHAMMY FOR THE ARNIS TEAM... Arnis enthusiasts and supporters in Capiz were so shocked with the outcome of  the performance of our  Arnis team in the 2011 WVRAA meet.

They thought that we have the best Arnis team in Western Visayas and one among the best in the country considering the gold medal haul of our players in various regional and national competitions recently.

In the recently concluded WVRAA, the Arnis team of Capiz got only a single gold medal for secondary level with 2 silver and 8 bronze while in the elementary level, we harvested only 5 bronze medals and for gold and silver, nil.

With this anemic medal haul, Capiz Arnis team landed 3rd in the secondary level, behind Aklan at the 2nd place. Meanwhile our badly beaten   elementary Arnis team landed at fourth after champion Iloilo, 2nd placer Aklan and 3rd placer Negros.

Grand Master Carlito “Carling” Ondillo, the designated Provincial Arnis Commissioner of Arnis Phlippines in Capiz and at the same time a long time practitioner of the sport in Capiz and in Western Visayas , attributed the dismal results of our Arnis team in the WVRAA on the “haphazard selection process” of the Department of Education.

Master Carling revealed in an interview with BK News that during the unit competition, his "Bastoneros" were beaten by what he considers “inferior” players due to “poor judgment and officiating” of the Education Department’s officiating officials.

Just like other contact sports such as Taekwondo and Boxing, judges decide if a player wins or loses a match.

The irony according to Grand Master Ondillo , is that some of the medalists of the 2011 WVRAA meet from Iloilo and Aklan were defeated  by his players during the 2011 Dinagyang Open Arnis Tournament last January.

Master Ondillo, impliedly accuses the judges and referees from Dep Ed for the Arnis competition  during the local meet of  deliberately  “fixing” the matches to favor their opponents.

Ondillo hopes that his criticism with regards to the outcome of our Arnis team should not be misconstrued as a personal grudge against the Capiz Division , instead Dep Ed officials will take it as a challenge so as not to repeat the same mistakes next time, Ondillo added.

Catch the Exclusive interview of Budyong Kapehan with Grand Master Carling Ondillo on Monday at 8 am.

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QUESTIONABLE  SELECTION PROCESS … The allegation of Master  Carling Ondillo pertaining the  “haphazard selection process” of the Department of Education in Arnis is very disturbing.

No wonder that our Arnis team  landed 4th in the Elementary level and 3rd in the Secondary level in the 2011 WVRAA meet.

Taking into consideration of the dismal results in the different sports events we have participated in the WVRAA , we can surmise that the processes of selecting our players and athletes  on those competitions are likewise questionable and not rigorous.

The problem in selecting the best and the most qualified athletes or players representing our province in the  regional meet has been a concern  for quite sometime now and therefore the Department of Education should look into this matter immediately.

Officials of the Department headed by Dr. Gamboa must also look into the concern  of some coaches and players against  alleged “bias” and “poor”  officiating in the Unit, Division and the Provincial Meets.

We heard some problems also with the selection process and alleged poor or bias officiating in the CAPRISA but the degree is not as big as that of the DepEd. 

If the problem with the selection process of the players and poor officiating is not addressed, we can expect  the same disappointing result for WVRAA next year.

Compounding the poor results of our delegation are the qualification and capability of some of our coaches from the Department of Education. I've heard that some coaches were only good in theories but lack skills and trainings to handle a team. Worst, their were instances according to reports that coaches and players got to know each other for the first time, during the "housing" period.

Before any team, athlete or a player in a public school qualifies to represent Capiz in the regional meet, they must first hurdle the District meet  then the Division or Unit meets and finally the provincial meet.

The winning team, athletes or players are then handled by the winning Coach from the Department of Education or CAPRISA and they  carry the burden of training them.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


FORGETTABLE PERFORMANCE IN WVRAA MEET…Board Member James Magbanua is disappointed with regards to the dismal performance of the Capiz delegation in the recently concluded WVRAA meet in Iloilo City, which was dominated by Negros.

Capiz is just at the 5th place in the Elementary level, behind 3rd placer Aklan and 4th placer Antique.  Meanwhile we placed 4th in the Secondary level after the province of Aklan at 3rd place .

Magbanua’s disappointment is understandable considering that as a Board Member, he’s the Chairman of the SP Committee on Education and a member of the provincial Local School Board and at the same time, witnessed how our athletes performed during the games.

BM Mitang told BK News that in some events during the WVRAA, he observed that our athletes  lack stamina, teamwork, consistency and the will to win.

Stamina, teamwork, consistency and the will to win  according to Magbanua are some of  the basic elements on how to excel in sports.

With this lamentable results, BM Mitang is planning to call the people of  the Department of Education-Capiz Division, in-charged of the WVRAA participation and other sports activities in the province and will seek their explanation with regards to the regrettable performance of our delegation.

Magbanua also hinted that he will deliver a privilege speech to inquire with the executive department pertaining to the sports program of the province and at the same time,  inquire for the status of the “Provincial Sports Council”.

Some Members of the SP Capiz also expressed their disappointment on our WVRAA debacle and they are also calling for the timely review of provincial sports program, so as not to put Capiz in bad light again, during  next year’s regional meet.

BM Mimi Ardivilla also expressed her  “concern” on the WVRAA results for Capiz and she  wanted a “deep”   examination on our  “deteriorating”  WVRAA performance.

Despite the “poor performance” of the Capiz delegation for this year’s WVRAA, the Board Members  emphasized that we should not blame our athletes and players for the regrettable results since they gave all their best.

SK Federation President Migo Herrera delivered a privileged speech few months ago in relation of  his plan  to "revitalize" the flagging sports program of the province.

As the Federation President of the SK in Capiz and as the Committee Chairman of the Youth and Sports Development in the Sanggunian Panlalawigan, Migo is in the right direction to fix the sports agenda of the province, says a former regional player of Capiz in a contact sport and  now teaching in a private school here.

The former athlete also expressed dismay over the short training period, a.k.a. “housing”,  provided by the DepEd on this year’s delegation for WVRAA meet, compared to much longer training and “housing” of Aklan, the 3rd placer of this year's regional meet.

Eight to 10 days of team and group training provided by Dep Ed is very short, sometimes insignificant according to him, since team sports such as Football, Basketball, Volleyball and even for other minor sports,  need longer period of training to establish teamwork, consistency and organization.

There was a time during the 90’s and early 2000 according to records that Capiz delegation for WVRAA trained inside the Villareal Stadium for at least 30 days and the result was good.

This is the first time that Capiz landed on the 5th spot for Elementary level while for the Secondary level, it’s not a surprise that we maintained our 4th place finish.

Before the delegation's "eight (8) days housing and training" at the Villareal Stadium, Mr. Ronilo Tu, the  Capiz Dep Ed's Sports Coordinator, told BK News that the athletes who will represent for Capiz in  the WVRAA Meet already started their training before joining on their respective local sports competitions such as the City Division Meet, CAPRISA Meet and the Provincial Meet. 

Mr. Tu will be on the "hot seat" again, just like the previous years after the WVRAA meet. Poor guy !
Next time, we will discuss the problems confronting our wvraa meet delegation and everybody is free to contribute their analysis and probable solution so that we can be of help to our future athletes.

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CONGRATS TO CAPIZ’ LITERARY AND MUSICAL CONTESTANTS…The delegation of Capiz for the 2011 WVRAA Literary and Musical really saved the day for our province and we would like to commend all of them.

Capiz was over-all 1st runner-up in the Secondary level and Elementary  level, next to champion Iloilo 
and beating powerhouse Negros who just settled for 2nd runner-up(3rd place).

Our delegation won the championship trophy for Secondary English Declamation with Khaphet Jade Duenas as our contestant from Maayon Nat’l HS.

Dorothy Joy Siy from Capiz NHS also won the Gold in Vocal Solo-Pop category with her contest piece, “Stand up for love”, while the renowned  CPC Sarayawan Dance Troupe won the coveted championship for Folk Dance.

The pride of Ivisan NHS, Pearl Agpalo brought home the silver for Vocal Solo Classical category.

In the Elementary level , Lirah Linn Paz Bermudez of PMRMS-SpEd School is the champion for Vocal Solo Pop, Uzziel Faith Delamide of Pilar ES won the gold in Filipino Declamation.

Diocel Faith Dalida of PMRMS-North is 2nd placer for English Declamation while Rissa May Layna of Tugas ES got the 3rd place for Vocal Solo Classical.

The SP of Capiz commended the winners by passing a resolution that “acknowledges their significant achievements in bringing home for Capiz and its people the pride and honor” of being regional champions.

Congratulations !

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3P'S IN THE 4P'S FOR CAPIZ...An Executive Order(EO) is now being readied by the office of provincial Governor for the establishment of an  inter-agency and inter-department Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC)  that will ensure  the proper implementation of the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program(4P) of the DSWD in Capiz.

Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr.  said, the immediate creation of PAC was an offshoot of the talks with DSWD Sec. Dinky Soliman and with Regional Dir. Minda Brigoli to resolve the problem in the implementation of the 4P’s in the province.

Aside from the various gov’t agencies involve with the implementation of the Pantawid Pamilya Program,  Tanco revealed that the PAC membership will be expanded to accommodate Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) in Capiz.

The PAC will also serve as the Provincial Grievance Committee that will handle grievances and resolve conflicts with regards to the 4P, Gov. Tanco added.

Seven municipalities in Capiz are included in the Pantawid Pamilya Program in Capiz; Maayon, Pilar, Pres Roxas, Panay, Tapaz, Sapian and Jamindan.

According to the DSWD, at least P40M were already released   to the beneficiaries in Capiz since December of 2009.

On Tuesday,  Technical Staff from the regional office  of DSWD conducted a re-orientation seminar at the provincial Capitol pertaining  to the implementation of the controversial 4P’s, here in Capiz.

Present on the side of the provincial gov’t were Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr, VG Nonoy Contreras, some department heads and also Board Members  Gingging Almalbis, Mimi Ardivilla, Remia Fuentes-Bartolome and BM Jeffry Layo.

The DSWD extension office staff in Capiz province and some 40 municipal Link Officers of the Pantawid Pamilya  were also present during the orientation.

Lucita Villanueva, the focal person of the 4P’s in the western visayas presented the goals, objectives, beneficiaries selection of the program while DSWD Regional Grievance Committee officer John Joseph Cordova explained the  procedures for complaints and grievance resolution of the  program.

Villanueva is hopeful for the smooth implementation of the 4P’s in Capiz after the “conflict” was resolved and she likewise promised that all DSWD programs in the province including the KALAHI-CIDDS and  the SEAK, will now be coordinated with the office of  Gov. Tanco.

Villanueva also gave an assurance for the proper disposition of the complaints regarding 4P’s  beneficiaries that are “not supposed to received”  cash assistance from the said program.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program(4P) is a poverty reduction and social development strategy of the national government that provides conditional cash grants(CCT) to extremely poor households to improve their health, nutrition and education. It also promotes investment in human capital to stop the inter generational cycle of poverty.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL...The "conflict" between the provincial gov't of Capiz and the DSWDO reg'l office with regards to the implementation of the controversial Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's) in the province have been settled.

In a radio interview, DSWD Reg'l Dir. Minda Brigoli said that she and Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr. have agreed to "settle the misunderstanding" created by the non-implementation of some mechanisms previously agreed by their offices, regarding the 4P's in Capiz.

Among the issues that was settled is the immediate creation of the Provincial Advisory Committee (PAC), composed of representatives from the provincial gov't, DSWD provincial extension office and other government agencies,  that will  oversee the proper implementation of 4P's in the province.

The PAC will also serve as the Provincial Grievance Committee (PGC) that will settle queries, complaints and disputes in the 4P's implementation in at least seven municipalities in Capiz, that include Pilar, Pres. Roxas, Panay, Maayon, Jamindan, Tapaz and Sapian.

According to the office of the Governor, they have received complaints that some 4P's beneficiaries are not "indigents" but employed individuals and therefore not eligible to received monthly cash allowance of  P 1,300.

DSWD confirmed the alleged existence of "non-indigents" in some barangays in Capiz under 4P's but Dir. Grigoli said ,they have already "sanitized" the list of the beneficiaries.

Based on DSWDO records,  at least P 40M were released by the national gov't to thousands of 4P's beneficiaries in Capiz, since December 2010.

On February 24, 2011 the staff of DSWDO extension located at the Villareal Stadium received a letter from Provincial Administrator Jo Villanueva, informing them with regards to the "termination of the Memorandum of Agreement(MOA) respecting the free use of  stall no. 5 of Pag-ulikid Commercial Stalls." The DSWDO staff were also given a period of 90 days to vacate the subject premises. 

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GOV. TANCO IS ANTI-RH BILL... Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr. received an overwhelming applause from the people who attended the 50th Sacerdotal Anniversary celebration of Msgr Onie Gordoncillo at the Capiz Gym  last Friday, after he publicly announced  his support against the RH bill. 

According to the Gov. Tanco, he decided to support the stand of the church against the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill as a "gift" to Msgr Onie on his 50th golden anniversary as a priest.

After the speech, Gov. Tanco received a "tight hug" from Msgr Onie.

Papal Nuncio Edward Joseph Adams with Archbishops, Bishops and priests who were also present during the occasion,  seems very happy with the stand of the governor against the RH Bill.
With this development, the three leaders of the LP in Capiz ; Rep. Antonio del Rosario, City Mayor Angel Alan Celino and Gov. Victor Tanco,Sr. now support the anti-RH bill advocates.
This is interesting since the leadership of the Liberal Party in the Congress and  in Malacanang are pushing for the approval of the RH Bill.

No less than Sec. Enrique Ona of the DOH gave an assurance the other day that PNoy has not wavered his support for the RH Bill and in fact according to Sec. Ona, the President certified the bill as urgent.

The possible implications of Gov. Tanco's stand against the RH Bill with regards to the DOH projects in Capiz will be known in the coming days or months, considering the the Health department is the prime mover of the proposed legislation.

During her speech here in Roxas City, Dr. Ligaya Acosta of Pro-Life Philippines revealed that  on 2007-2008, Capiz received at least $ 66,350.00 as grant from Australia for the "Enhancing Reproductive Health Through Youth Participation" program of the province.

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WAGE INCREASE FOR CASUAL NURSES... BM Mimi Ardivilla, Chairperson of the SP Capiz - Committee on Health, is pushing for the salary increase of casual Nurses working in the RMPH and other district hospitals of the province.

According to BM Ardivilla, casual Nurses only receive a P 130 daily wage despite of their huge responsibilities in the hospital.

This is now the right time Ardivilla added,  that the provincial gov't should look into the predicament of the casual Nurses.

The lady  Board Member from the 2nd district is precisely correct on her observation regarding the measly daily wage of casual Nurses of our district hospitals, P 130 per day. For one month at 20 duty days of Monday-Friday,  a casual Nurse only receives  P 2,600, not to mention the frequent delays of their monthly salaries due to "unavailability" of funds. 

A daily wage of  P 130 for a casual Registered Nurse in the district hospitals is of the same daily salary received by a casual employee assigned for clerical works in the different offices inside the Capitol.

Indeed,  very demeaning for a prestigious profession.

Their are many considerations with regards to the timely proposal of BM Ardivilla, including the source of fund for the proposed daily wage increase and the PS cap limitation stipulated in the Local Gov't Code.

How about other casual employees in the Capitol ? Well, the provincial gov't might also consider the daily wage adjustment of  these casuals once the proposal of BM Ardivilla will be adapted by the Governor, since  selective wage increase  is sometimes unproductive.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


MSGR ONIE’S GOLDEN SACERDOTAL ANNIV…All is set for the Golden Sacerdotal Jubilee of the beloved Archbishop of Capiz, Most Rev. Onesimo C. Gordonillo on Friday, March 18.
At least 50 Bishops, Archbishops and Priests around the country and of course from Capiz, will join Msgr Onie’s  50th year anniversary as a priest . His Eminence  Cardinal Vidal of Cebu and Papal Nuncio Edward  Joseph Adams will also grace the occasion.

Msgr Onie was born on February 16, 1935 in Jimalalud, Negros Oriental. He entered the Sacred Heart Seminary in Bacolod City on 1943 and finished his studies at the University of Sto. Tomas Central Seminary. On March 18, 1961, he was ordained  as a priest in the Archdiocese of Dumaguete.

Msgr Onie was ordained as the Auxiliary Bishop of Dumaguete City on May 27, 1974  and afterwards became the Bishop of Tagbilaran, Bohol.

He became the Archbishop of Capiz on June 18, 1986 and within 25 years, Msgr Onie has  ordained at least 93 priests.  Msgr Onie established three parishes, Dacuton in Dumarao, Dulangan in Pilar and in Bailan, Pontevedra.

Msgr Onie is also proud in establishing the chaplaincies of Pawa, Panay ; Tinaytayan, Dumarao ;San Antonio in Cuartero, San Nicolas, Tapaz and Malonoy in Dao.

The foundation of Sancta Maria Mater et Regina Seminarium in Brgy Cagay on 1999 was also one of the highlights of Msgr Onies reign as the head of the Catholic church in Capiz.

On March 17, representatives of 1,500 Basic Ecclesial Communities(BEC) in Capiz will meet at the Capiz Gym to pay tribute to its founder, Msgr. Onesimo C. Gordoncillo.

Congrats Msgr Onie.
* * *  
“UNITED CAPIZENIOS FOUNDATION” TASKED TO MANAGE THE 2011 CAPIZTAHAN…. Prov’l Administrator Atty Jose Villanueva has told BK News that the United Capizenios Foundation, Inc. will be given the task to manage the 2011 Capiztahan , scheduled on April 13-15, 2011.

According to Atty Villanueva, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the group also known as “ One Capiz “ and the provincial gov’t of Capiz will be signed soon.

The United Capizenios Foundation,  will be in-charge of the various activities for the forthcoming Capiztahan and in fact Atty. Villanueva said, the group already   linked-up with the provincial and the city governments during the launching of Capiztahan at the Araneta Center in Cubao.

The people of Capiz will “chip-in”  an eye popping P 1M to the One Capiz  group as a “financial assistance” for the Capiztahan activities and according to Atty Jo, the city government and the office of Rep. Tony del Rosario will also contribute, P 1M each.

It’s not still clear whether the United Capizenios Foundation will also have a financial counterpart  for the expenses of the 2011 Capiztahan.

But  Atty Villanueva assured the people of Capiz that proper accounting and liquidation will be done for the one million pesos “financial assistance”  to the United Capizenios Foundation, and he urged the group to be transparent on its expenditures using the said gov’t fund.

The entry of the “One Capiz” group in the management of this year’s Capiztahan Festival according to Atty. Villanueva, is in response with the Public Private Partnership (PPP) program of PNoy and the public clamor for a private organization or a NGO that will handle our festivals.

Atty. Villanueva said that  an Executive Order was recently signed by Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr. to strengthen the PPP initiative in Capiz and the initial test is the partnership with  the United Capizenios Foundation, Inc.

With less than a month to go, no words yet from the group with regards to the activities of the forthcoming Capiztahan. In fact, the local  media is having a hard time in locating the office, officers and members of the said organization.

By the way, Atty. Villanueva also said that if the United Capizenios Foundation will be successful in managing the Capiztahan, they might also handle the 2011 Sinadya sa Halaran Festival.

We have visited the group’s website  for the names of their officers and members but unfortunately it’s not updated.

Who are the incorporators, officers and members of the United Capizenios Foundation, Inc?  Please stand-up !
* * *  
BIG CHALLENGE AHEAD …There are people somewhat apprehensive as regards the capability of the United Capizenios Foundation, Inc. in handling and managing the activities of the 2011 Capiztahan.

After hearing the news over Budyong Kapehan that the said group will manage the activities of 2011 Capiztahan, a prominent hotel owner in the city texted and raised a question, whether the people behind the organization have the experience and expertise in handling a festival  like the Capiztahan.

The texter also asked what credentials and experience do the group have in managing a big provincial event like the yearly Capiztahan festival.

Well, as of now we can’t judge the group yet since we don’t have any pertinent information and idea about  their plans, strategies and concept for the 2011 Capiztahan since no one in the organization has come-out in the open for media interviews.

It will also be very interesting to see, what would be  the treatment of the United Capizenios Foundation, Inc. to the local media in regard to the publicity and promotion of the festival.

During last year’s Capiztahan, the Provincial Tourism Office of Mr. Al Tesoro and the Capiz Provincial Press Bureau headed by Chief Edward Basilonia started the local media campaign for the  promotion of the festival as early as February.

Abangan !

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ATTY. POWELL DEL ROSARIO...Congratulations to City Councilor Powell Del Rosario for passing the 2010 Bar Exams.Coun. Powell is a graduate of CPC College of Law.

Students from Ateneo occupied half of the top 10 list of the 2010 Bar Examinations, with one of them being the bar topnotcher, Cesario Antonio Singzon, Jr with 89% rating.
Congrats. Atty. Powell !

Monday, March 14, 2011


TEXT HOAX ON NUCLEAR RADIATION…Many people were victimized by text messages “advising everyone to stay indoors and wear raincoats if you are outside, after nuclear radiation from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant had reached the Philippines.”

These text hoaxes spread like “tsunami’ in the country and Capizenos were not spared by this nasty rumors created by people with sick mind.

The fear-mongering text message also advise people to “ Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid is, radiation hits thyroid first.”

Actually , text messages spreading rumors of alleged radiation contamination in the country started the other day after similar explosion at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant occurred Saturday at the plant's nuclear reactor No.  1, injuring four workers, causing mass evacuations and destroying much of the outer building.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) said that there is no truth to text rumors that radiation from a nuclear plant in Japan has reached the Philippines, and the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI)'s routine daily radiation monitoring in the environment showed the level of radiation in the environment has remained stable since the Fukushima incident in Japan.

DOST advised the public not to believe rumors currently spreading through text messages, emails, the Internet, and other means of communication.

Scientists also emphasized that there is no immediate danger of nuclear radiation in the Philippines since the wind direction from Japan is towards the east and not towards the Philippines.

In fact, Russian which is also Japan’s neighbor,  reported normal radiation levels in the country's Far East on Monday and Moscow said there was no reason to evacuate residents following a second explosion at a Japanese nuclear plant.

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WHAT’S THE REAL SCENARIO ? …There are conflicting accounts and reports with regards to the real situation of the quake-damaged Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.

This was after the second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked the stricken Japanese nuclear plant yesterday afternoon, sending a massive cloud of smoke into the air and injuring 11 plant workers.

According to the UN atomic watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),  "Radiation dose rate measurements observed at four locations around the Fukushima Nuclear plant's perimeter over a 16-hour period on 13 March were all normal."

"All four units automatically shut down on March 11. All units have off-site power and water levels in all units are stable. Though preparations have been made to do so, there has been no venting to control pressure at any of the plant's units.", IAEA said on Monday.

The Vienna-based watchdog also said that, “plant operator TEPCO had been able to restore a residual heat remover system at unit 1 and plant workers at units 2 and 4 are working to restore residual heat removal systems. Unit 3 is in a safe, cold shutdown.”

Hours after the second explosion, the U.S. said it had shifted its offshore forces away from the plant after detecting low levels of radiation.

According to news reports, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was about 100 miles (160 kilometers) offshore when it detected the radiation, which U.S. officials said was about the same as one month's normal exposure to natural background radiation in the environment.

On the other hand, Kyodo News Agency in its report said , “ The fuel rods at the quake-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant's No. 2 reactor were fully exposed at one point after its cooling functions failed, indicating the critical situation of the reactor's core beginning to melt due to overheating. “

Similar cooling down efforts have been taken at the plant's No. 1 and No. 3 reactors and explosions occurred at both reactors in the process, blowing away the roofs and walls of the buildings that house the reactors.

Kyodo News feared that the No. 2 reactor will follow the same path of nuclear reactor No. 1 and nuclear reactor No. 3 that exploded yesterday .

To prevent a possible hydrogen explosion at the No. 2 reactor, TEPCO said it will look into opening a hole in the wall of the building that houses the reactor to release hydrogen.

Authorities has been using sea water to cool down the heated reactors after the power plant system failed due to the magnitude 8.9 earth quake that hit the country.

Operators knew the sea water flooding would cause a pressure buildup in the reactor containment vessel and potentially will lead to an explosion -  but felt they had no choice if they wanted to avoid a complete meltdown.

In the end, the hydrogen in the released steam mixed with oxygen in the atmosphere and set off the blast.

International experts say that  there are serious dangers on the quake-damaged Fukushima nuclear power plants  but little risk of a Chernobyl-style catastrophe.

Chernobyl, they note, had no containment shell around the reactor unlike the six nuclear reactors in Fukushima which has a 13-inches thick solid stainless steel casing.

Some analysts noted that after four days since the nuclear crisis began , the chemical reactions inside the reactor were not moving quickly toward a complete meltdown.

But despite official assurances, the whole world still expressed fear over the situation since conflicting information  are being reported.

Friday, March 11, 2011


ROXAS CITY'S SPORTS SUMMIT...City Mayor Angel Alan Celino is planning to hold a "Sports Summit" to be attended by different sports associations, enthusiasts and stakeholders in Roxas City.

This after Mayor Celino is apparently "dissatisfied" on the results of the sports development in the City for the past few years.

The City Mayor is pushing for a "Sports Summit " with the involvement of private sports organizations and sports patrons  in order to formulate the comprehensive sports program of his administration for the next three years.

"We have funds from the Local School Board for sports development but it's useless that it will only be used during the WVRAA meet.", Mayor Celino said.

Mayor Celino added that, "we have to establish concrete parameters and basis for the release of our sports funds so that good results could be achieved by our potential athletes for the next two or three years."

The City Mayor also wanted to have a regular local sports tournament for the athletes, have them join on various , high level sports competition in the region , support them financially and in their studies so that they will not be "pirated" by  other provinces.

On a related development, the city government has no commitment yet for its "financial contribution"  to the delegation of Capiz in the forthcoming WVRAA Meet to be held in Iloilo City.

According to Coun.  Junjun Billones, the City is ready to contribute two hundred thousand pesos for the Capiz Delegation but he wanted to clarify first with the provincial government why the municipalities are allowed to contribute only P 10,000.00.
Coun Billones also pointed out that the provincial government should fund the Capiz delegation for the WVRAA Meet.

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WVRAA MEET UPDATE ...The ten (10) day "housing and training" of the Capiz delegation for the 2011 WVRAA Meet started last Monday.
Many are apprehensive of the supposed ten days training period of our athletes because it's "too short" compared to the all year-round training of other provinces like Iloilo and Negros Occidental, and month long "housing and training" period of Aklan delegation.

In other words, how can we expect good results for Capiz in this year's WVRAA Meet , considering the length of training of  our athletic delegation, and not to mention the quality of their training.

Previous "housing and training" period for Capiz athletic delegation lasted at least thirty (30) days.

According to Mr. Ronilo Tu, the Dep Ed's Sports Coordinator, the athletes that will represent Capiz in WVRAA Meet already started their training , upon joining on their respective local sports competitions such as the City Division Meet, CAPRISA Meet and the Provincial Meet.

Other than short training period, we received a reliable information that the Capiz Division is "problematic" in terms of funds to be used by the delegation. This is one of the reasons, according to the source why some Trainers were "eased out " from their respective teams.
Expect more problems in the preparation of our delegation for the 2011 WVRAA Meet.

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EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN AND THE "SUPERMOON"...After the  devastating Magnitude 8.9 earthquake in Japan that triggered a 10-meter high tsunami and killed  hundreds of people, and maybe thousands, sent ships crashing in the shore and toppled buildings, many are wondering if this natural disaster is connected to a lunar perigee called, "Supermoon". 

Recently, the web was awash with apocalyptic warning  that the movement of the moon will trigger tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and even strong earthquakes next week. 

The conspiracy theorists claim that on March 19, the moon will be closer to Earth than at any time since 1992 - just 221,567 miles away - and that its gravitational pull will bring chaos and damage to Earth.

The moon's orbit around Earth is not a circle, but an eclipse. At its closest approach - the perigee - the moon appears brighter and larger in the sky. When it is furthest away - the apogee - it is smaller and dimmer.

A noted astrologer Richard Nolle has termed the upcoming full moon at lunar perigee, an "extreme supermoon".

A lunar perigee occurs once a month. However, next week's perigee coincides with a full moon - a combination of events that happen just once every two or three years, according to Nolle.

The moon's gravity can even cause small but measurable ebbs and flows in the continents, called "land tides" or "solid Earth tides," too. The tides are greatest during full and new moons, when the sun and moon are aligned either on the same or opposite sides of the Earth.

According to Seismologists, the dramatic land and ocean tides do trigger earthquakes. Both  the moon and sun do stress the Earth a tiny bit and very small increase in tectonic activity is observed when they're aligned. 

The moon's gravitational pull at lunar perigee, scientists say, is not different enough from its pull at other times to significantly change the height of the tides and thus the likelihood of natural disasters

Previous supermoons took place in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005 - all years that had extreme weather events, the conspiracy theorists say.

The tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia happened two weeks before the January 2005 supermoon. And on Christmas Day 1974, Cyclone Tracy laid waste to Darwin, Australia.

On February 22, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit Christchurch, New Zealand, and killed more than 160 people.

But some people greeted warnings of an impending apocalypse due to the "Supermoon" with scepticism, because earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves do happen anyway.

So on March 19, prepare your cameras and watch the "Supermoon" but of course let's pray hard that these apocalyptic theories will not happen.

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SEPARATE SHOOTING INCIDENT KILLED TWO PERSONS... Two men died in a separate shooting incidents  in Roxas City, on Thursday. 

Around 12:30 in the afternoon at Atila Balgos Avenue , Brgy Banica, two unidentified men riding on a motorcycle shot dead Arnold Agonias, 37 years old , married and a resident of the same barangay, while standing beside a shanty and having conversation with Vicente Besana of Pta Tabuc.

One of the suspects alighted from the motorcycle with a long firearm, approached and shot the victim twice and afterwards, suspects hurriedly fled on board their get-away vehicle towards the direction of Brgy Tiza.
The victim was rushed to RMPH for medical treatment but was pronounced dead on arrival by the attending physician due to multiple gunshot wounds he sustained on the different parts of his body.

Recovered at the crime scene were two (2) pcs of fired 12 gauge shotgun cartridges and the case is now under investigation.

Meanwhile,  at the corner of Bangbang and San Jose Streets, Brgy Inzo Arnaldo, Ronald Apruebo, 47 years old and a resident of Brgy Rizal , died on the spot after two unidentified male persons also riding in tandem on a hooper motorcyle, shot the victim.

According to the police, that while the victim together with his companions were having their drinking session in front of sari-sari store along San Jose Street, when the suspects riding in tandem on board a motorcycle suddenly arrived, stopped from behind the victim and simultaneously the back rider armed with unknown caliber of short firearm at gunpoint, shot the victim several times.

The suspects then fled on board their getaway vehicle towards Arellano St while the victim was rushed to RMPH but was pronounced dead on arrival (DOA) by Dr. Caro,  due to the two (2) fatal gunshot wounds on his head.

Recovered at the crime scene were four (4) pcs fired cartridges apparently of .45 caliber, two (2) pcs of slugs and two (2) pcs of deformed slugs .

Police are now investigating the motives of the crime and if the two shooting incidents were related .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

DENR "cleared" Sugar Central in Fish Kill, RC PNP SWAT Team

EMB-DENR CAPIZ "CLEARED" SUGAR CENTRAL IN PILAR FISH KILL ...Environmental Management Bureau (EMB)-DENR Capiz conducted an  investigation and ocular inspection on March 4, pertaining to the massive fish kill in the rivers of Brgy Dulangan, Pilar that affected hundreds of fisher folks. 

Together with the personnel of the DENR regional office and EMB-DENR Capiz , the team collected water samples in five different points along Aranguil River in Pres. Roxas and  the mid-stream of Tinagong Dagat Bay to determine the level of Dissolved Oxygen ( DO) and the Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of the water.

The laboratory results of the water samples will be known next week but based on the  initial findings  of the ocular and visual inspection, EMB Capiz Chief Marlon Bonite, said that " their were no  traces  of Molasses discharge coming from the Capiz Sugar Central along the river in Brgy Aranguil and  Brgy Sangcal in Pres. Proxas, and their were no fishes killed in the area."

"No evidence that the Capiz Sugar Central is responsible of the fish kill in Pilar," according to Engr. Bonite.

Engr. Bonite also indicated that, "red tide might be the cause of the fish kill and the sudden change of the weather in the area."

With the initial findings, EMB-DENR practically "cleared" the management of the Capiz Sugar Central of any liability in regards to the fish kill in Pilar.

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WOW MALI ? ... Fisher folks from Brgy. Dulangan in Pilar who were affected by the massive fish kill lambasted the initial  results of the ocular and visual inspection conducted by a team of EMB-DENR Capiz along the river of Aranguil and Sangcal in Pres. Roxas.

According to them, EMB-DENR should have visited the seven (7) affected sitios in Brgy Dulangan , instead of conducting  the inspection and investigation in Pres. Roxas.

It's understandable according to them that the EMB-DENR investigating team couldn't find dead fishes and crustacean  in the river of  Pres. Roxas because the huge volume of  "molasses-like discharge" converged in the downstream side of the river in Brgy . Dulangan, that eventually triggered the fish kill.

The residents of Brgy. Dulangan now insist that EMB-DENR must visit the affected site and conduct another round of ocular inspection and water testing to determine the real cause of the massive fish kill.

The affected fisher folks  of at least seven (7) sitios in Brgy Dulangan, Pilar in the province of Capiz continue blaming the Capiz Sugar Central in the nearby municipality of Pres. Roxas as the "source" of the pollutants that caused the recent fish kill and ravaged their source of livelihood in the river.

Affected fisher folks interviewed by BK news team say that the water in the river smell like "sugar" and " molasses ", alleging that the liquid waste came from the sugar central.
Kung sabagay, korek ang mga taga Brgy Dulangan. Pareho lang na nga ang pilas mo ara sa ulo pero gincheck-up sang Doctor ang imo dughan!.

The residents of Brgy Dulangan are also challenging the Provincial Board of Capiz to conduct its own investigation pertaining to the fish kill.

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RC PNP SWAT TEAM ...Congratulations to the twenty-two (22) members of Roxas City PNP who just recently completed  their 45 days SWAT Team training course conducted by PNP Training Service.
The RC-PNP SWAT Class 01-2011 is headed by Chief of Police Supt. Kashmir Cathedral Disomangcop and was trained by Supt. Buddy Dagoon of Iloilo City SWAT Team.

No less than HRH Sultan Cipriano Querol, Jr. Al- Hadj, the Regional Director of PRO-6 graced the graduation rites of the RC PNP SWAT Team.
City Mayor Alan Celino promised the full support of his administration for the SWAT Team and in fact, he allocated at least P 8 M for the equipment, gears, special weapons, mobility and benefits of the team.

The "Top Gun" of the Class is PO2 Felomar Dela Fuente while the Class "Sharp Shooter" is SPO1 Ronald Dumala.
By the way, the RC PNP SWAT Team is the first SWAT Team in Western Visayas with full training and is fully-equipped.

SWAT means, Special Weapons And Tactics and not,  " Sulong, Wait, Atras, Takbo ! "

Monday, March 7, 2011

Anting-anting ! , Complaint from Capitol Casuals

COMPLAINT FROM CAPITOL CASUALS...Some casual and contractual employees of the Capiz provincial government are complaining that for almost two months now, they weren’t able to received  yet their salaries.

According to Capitol sources, the casuals and contractuals  where from the executive department, and  are paid under the office the Governor, including some Doctors and Nurses from RMPH and other district hospitals.

We’ve checked with the office of some members of the Sanggunian Panlalawigan if their casual and contractual employees  already received their salaries and they reply in the affirmative.

According to Provincial Budget Officer Antonio Arbis, their were “no pending documents” in his office pertaining  to the  wages of the casuals and contractuals for the months of January and February, 2010. “Meaning, all casuals and contractuals of the Capitol were already given their salaries,” Arbis said.

BK News sources from the Capitol say that the concerned casual and contractual employees that haven’t yet received their salaries were employees whose Job Orders and Contracts  for the first quarter of 2010, where signed and released by the Office of the Provincial Governor, just recently.

While some casual and contractual employees from the Executive Department are still waiting for their salaries for January and February, Capitol Consultants already received their wages, the source added.
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QUICK RESPONSE FROM CAPITOL...The Social Welfare and Development Office of the Capiz Provincial Government immediately responded to the “cries” of hundreds of residents from Brgy Dulangan, Pilar who were affected by the “fish kill” in their locality.

After receiving orders from  Gov. Victor Tanco,  PSWDO Head Violet Silva immediately proceeded to Brgy Dulangan and handed-over kilos of rice, packs of noodles and cans of sardines to the affected fisher folks from Sitio Cantil, Gisi, Tinigban and Bato-bato.

Until now, the fisher folks of Brgy Dulangan are waiting for the results of the investigation conducted by the DENR, BFAR  and other government agencies pertaining to the massive death of almost all kinds of fishes , crustaceans and shellfish in the rivers of Dulangan.

Residents of the affected barangays have been blaming the Capiz Sugar Central in the nearby municipality of Pres Roxas for the massive fish kill in the river.

No words yet from the management of the Capiz Sugar Central in regards to the allegations of the fisher folks of Dulangan.

Some members of the SP Capiz are planning to raise the problem of “fish kill” and other environmental problems  in Pilar and Pres. Roxas,  during their session on Wednesday.

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"ANTING-ANTING, BOW ! "... After the successful raid conducted by the Dumarao PNP and Capiz PPO on the lair of the notorious  Totong Magno Robbery-armed Group in Brgy Tina, Dumarao, some members of the police raiding team have received threats and disturbing text messages, purportedly coming from the surviving members of the said criminal group.

Sr. Insp Ness Vargas, Chief of Police of Dumarao PNP, who lead the operation that resulted to the death of Totong Magno Group members, cousin’s Gerone and Julius Lope,  received an information from his asset that the remaining members of the Totong Magno Robbery  Group is “ challenging “ them to a “gun duel!  anywhere, anytime!”

The big problem is, the surviving members of the Totong Magno Robbery Group is said to have “amulets” or “anting-anting”.

Recovered from the dead suspects  include multi-colored handkerchiefs and pieces of papers with latin words written on it, a small bottle containing unidentified herbs and oil and a big fang or  “bangkil” of an unknown animal.

The police raiding team members were  “stunned” to see that  during the exchange of gunfire with a distance of at least fifty meters, some of the fleeing suspects look unharmed and the bullets “seems to bounce-off their bodies.”

Looks like a movie starring former Senator Ramon Revilla, Sr. Hmmm, “anting-anting” is still existing in today’s world of Smart phones, iPads and Tablets.

No need for a gun duel against the remnants of the Totong Magno Robbery Group according to our policemen.

Sr Insp Vargas said, they are now verifying the location of the new hideout of this group and it’s just a matter of time that their path will cross again.

Well, good luck sir.

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BEST CHICKEN INASAL...RML Manokan has just opened its new branch at Elemars Commercial Center in front of Gaisano – Marketplace, San Roque Ext, Roxas City.

The place is cool ,the service is very good and most of all, the foods are delicious.

The  new outlet of  RML Manokan is owned and managed by Mr. Ronnie Buncalan.

For delicious and best chicken inasal in town, try RML Manokan with branches at Baybay, San Roque cor Legaspi Streets and the main branch in Rizal Street.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fish Kill in Pilar, Alleged drug pusher-busted

FISH KILL.....Residents of at least seven (7) sitios in Brgy Dulangan, Pilar in the province of Capiz continue blaming the Capiz Sugar Central in the nearby municipality of Pres. Roxas as the "source" of the pollutants that caused the recent fish kill and ravaged their source of livelihood in the river.

Affected fisher folks interviewed by BK news team say that the water in the river smells like "sugar" and " molasses ", alleging that the liquid waste is coming from the sugar central.

No words yet from the management of Capiz Sugar Central as to the the allegations of the affected residents in Brgy Dulangan but I pressume that they will answer it, soon.

PB Robinson Benigla of Dulangan said that at least three thousand individuals were affected by the fish kill and now asking the help of the provincial government for relief assistance. The affected sitios are Cantel, Gisi, Tubungan, Tinigban, Bato-bato, Lahad and Siha.

Provincial Agriculture Office conducted series of tests in the affected areas and according to Lab Analyst Ramelyn Banares, the water in the river has low level of salinity and large volume of fresh water intrusion was observed. Banares added that their were no traces of Ammonia and Nitrite in the water samples. Dead fish samples were also sent to SEAFDEC for additional examination.

The provincial government of Capiz and the agencies concerned like the DENR and BFAR should conduct a thorough investigation regarding the fish kill in Brgy Dulangan in order to determine the real cause of the situation.

We also challenged the committee chairman of the SP Capiz, the Hon. Ed Magallanes to conduct a parallel investigation regarding the allegations of the affected fisher folks for a possible legislation in order to protect the river system in the area of Pilar and Pres Roxas.  

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ALLEGED DRUG PUSHER,NABBED......Police elements from the RC PNP busted the other day, in Brgy Tiza,  a certain Genaro Besmanos, Jr. a.k.a. Taby / Tabungos for illegal drugs. According to CoP Kashmir Disomangcop, Besmanos is operating in the city and one of the "elusive drug personalities" in the province.

Supt. Diso also added that Tabungos is a member of a "new" drug group operating in the province.

Interestingly, a cellphone was recovered from Besmanos and names of known personalities, relatives and even siblings and sons of known politicians in Capiz were registered in the phone book.

Hmmmmm...interesting, indeed.

For those interested to know the names of Besmanos' alleged clients, just ask Supt Diso. hehe.

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TRAFFIC PROBLEM IN BRGY TANQUE.....BK news received a text message from a concerned resident of Brgy Tanque, Roxas City complaining the traffic congestion in the corner of Arnaldo Blvd and the road going to Tanque proper.

The sms reads, "Ipalab-ut man sa amon kapitan ang problema sang nagaparking nga mga tricycle kag ang barbecue-han sa kanto sang blvd kag Tanque. Naga gutok ang lugar kung hapon bangud sang obstruction.Tnx".

Calling the attention of Brgy Capt Arcangeles, kaya mo na Kap. 
If you can't do it, ask the help of Coun Linlim Lim who happens to be a resident of the area.