Sunday, March 27, 2011


BLAME GAME OVER WVRAA DEBACLE…The Department of Education  - Capiz Division and the provincial government of  Capiz are now pointing with each other  on who’s to be blamed with regards to the lamentable result of our  athletic delegation in the 2011 WVRAA Meet.

It seems, everybody now  refuse to accept any responsibility for the undesirable result of our athletic delegation and as of this moment , no one took the blame for it.

Coaches, trainers, the Department of Education and  our provincial officials are now making excuses and pointing the finger of blame with one another pertaining to our 5th place finish in the Elementary Level and 4th place finish in the Secondary Level of the regional meet.

But who’s really to be blamed here . Is it the Department of Education who’s in charge of all the processes in selecting our players, train and prepare them for the regional meet or the provincial government headed by  Gov. Victor Tanco, Sr. , that allot funds for the preparation , training and maybe cash rewards for our athletes.

Are we going to pin the blame on the Capitol  for the “inadequate funding” for the training and preparation  of the delegation plus the supposed “absence” of a comprehensive sports program or we should attribute the responsibility to the Capiz division for their “failure” to select the best  players or athletes, knowledgeable coaches and trainers and for adopting  a 10-day training period, a.k.a. “housing.”

Once again, as it was in the previous years, the cycle of finger pointing and blaming each other after the WVRAA  keeps going and going to the detriment of our delegation.

The forgettable results of  Capiz in this year’s WVRAA should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. This is now the time to have a deeper and serious understanding of the problems and hindrances so as to arrive on a much better and acceptable results next year.

We have to fix it immediately and properly. Everyone should contribute, help and act. Let’s do it, right now !

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DOUBLE WHAMMY FOR THE ARNIS TEAM... Arnis enthusiasts and supporters in Capiz were so shocked with the outcome of  the performance of our  Arnis team in the 2011 WVRAA meet.

They thought that we have the best Arnis team in Western Visayas and one among the best in the country considering the gold medal haul of our players in various regional and national competitions recently.

In the recently concluded WVRAA, the Arnis team of Capiz got only a single gold medal for secondary level with 2 silver and 8 bronze while in the elementary level, we harvested only 5 bronze medals and for gold and silver, nil.

With this anemic medal haul, Capiz Arnis team landed 3rd in the secondary level, behind Aklan at the 2nd place. Meanwhile our badly beaten   elementary Arnis team landed at fourth after champion Iloilo, 2nd placer Aklan and 3rd placer Negros.

Grand Master Carlito “Carling” Ondillo, the designated Provincial Arnis Commissioner of Arnis Phlippines in Capiz and at the same time a long time practitioner of the sport in Capiz and in Western Visayas , attributed the dismal results of our Arnis team in the WVRAA on the “haphazard selection process” of the Department of Education.

Master Carling revealed in an interview with BK News that during the unit competition, his "Bastoneros" were beaten by what he considers “inferior” players due to “poor judgment and officiating” of the Education Department’s officiating officials.

Just like other contact sports such as Taekwondo and Boxing, judges decide if a player wins or loses a match.

The irony according to Grand Master Ondillo , is that some of the medalists of the 2011 WVRAA meet from Iloilo and Aklan were defeated  by his players during the 2011 Dinagyang Open Arnis Tournament last January.

Master Ondillo, impliedly accuses the judges and referees from Dep Ed for the Arnis competition  during the local meet of  deliberately  “fixing” the matches to favor their opponents.

Ondillo hopes that his criticism with regards to the outcome of our Arnis team should not be misconstrued as a personal grudge against the Capiz Division , instead Dep Ed officials will take it as a challenge so as not to repeat the same mistakes next time, Ondillo added.

Catch the Exclusive interview of Budyong Kapehan with Grand Master Carling Ondillo on Monday at 8 am.

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QUESTIONABLE  SELECTION PROCESS … The allegation of Master  Carling Ondillo pertaining the  “haphazard selection process” of the Department of Education in Arnis is very disturbing.

No wonder that our Arnis team  landed 4th in the Elementary level and 3rd in the Secondary level in the 2011 WVRAA meet.

Taking into consideration of the dismal results in the different sports events we have participated in the WVRAA , we can surmise that the processes of selecting our players and athletes  on those competitions are likewise questionable and not rigorous.

The problem in selecting the best and the most qualified athletes or players representing our province in the  regional meet has been a concern  for quite sometime now and therefore the Department of Education should look into this matter immediately.

Officials of the Department headed by Dr. Gamboa must also look into the concern  of some coaches and players against  alleged “bias” and “poor”  officiating in the Unit, Division and the Provincial Meets.

We heard some problems also with the selection process and alleged poor or bias officiating in the CAPRISA but the degree is not as big as that of the DepEd. 

If the problem with the selection process of the players and poor officiating is not addressed, we can expect  the same disappointing result for WVRAA next year.

Compounding the poor results of our delegation are the qualification and capability of some of our coaches from the Department of Education. I've heard that some coaches were only good in theories but lack skills and trainings to handle a team. Worst, their were instances according to reports that coaches and players got to know each other for the first time, during the "housing" period.

Before any team, athlete or a player in a public school qualifies to represent Capiz in the regional meet, they must first hurdle the District meet  then the Division or Unit meets and finally the provincial meet.

The winning team, athletes or players are then handled by the winning Coach from the Department of Education or CAPRISA and they  carry the burden of training them.

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